Saturday, 30 July 2016

Ni sa bula vinaka!


We had the most amazing fun representing Fiji in the Trentham School Olympics this past week. We worked with our buddies from room two and created head garlands with tropical flowers. We painted our faces with symbols from the Fijian Flag. It was a lot of fun sharing our Fijian Chant at our Opening Ceromony in the hall. Everyone cheered for us as we marched in front of all the other represented countries. 

Above: Fiji AKA Room 2 and 17 strutting their stuff in the opening ceremony at the Trentham School Olympics.
Above: The Room 2 girls take the start line, getting ready to race the 'Indoor Mile'.
Above: Check out James, sliding across the finish line!
Above: We always have a great time with our Buddy Class. Here are the winners from the 'Indoor' Mile heats.
Above: Misiluni and Riley receive their certificates at the closing ceremony. Too much guys!
We are so proud of your team spirit.
Check back next week to hear about some of the Olympic events we took part in.

Room Seventeen

Saturday, 23 July 2016


Here is some of the writing that was inspired by our experiences walking the runway during our last week of term. We created our own costumes.
Vesi brought in some Lava for us to wear and use in our classroom. She showed us lots of different ways to tie them.
Our Room Two Buddies came to support us one afternoon. We got a lot done with their help.
Some shenanigans with our Room Two buddies.
Above: Team Work - Kayleigh and Misiluni working together to tie knots.
Below: Xavier and Taylor working with Liz to finish  off some of our 'deconstructed lavalava'.

Room Seventeen